With the University of Bradford’s beautifully diverse campus housing a large population of Muslim students and staff, the University of Bradford Islamic Society (ISoc) worked alongside the UBU and the University to develop a dedicated prayer facility in the Carlton Building – the Carlton Prayer Room.
The Prayer Room is the ideal place for you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of student life, and enter a tranquil and peaceful dialogue with God through prayer. There are five prayer times every day at specifically prescribed times. The Prayer room is complete with purpose-built ablution facilities to enable you to perform the ritual wash preceding the prayer. There are also social spaces, a sound system for congregational prayers, shoe racks and lockers.
The Prayer Room is well-insulated and eco-friendly with light wells and natural ventilation, absence-detection lighting and recycling points throughout. It is also linked with the Sports Hall for access to Friday Prayers to hold the larger numbers that attend.
For further information about the Prayer Room, please e-mail islamicsoc@ubu.bradford.ac.uk.