UBU Council — your senior elected representatives

UBU is the University of Bradford's Students' Union — the organisation that represents & supports students. It's a student-led organisation, meaning your ideas and needs come first. We have a leadership team elected annually by the students, from among the students. Every student has a stake in the Union, and we welcome you to get involved in our decision-making process, and to be part of the services and opportunities we provide!
These leaders form our Council, which decides on our direction. These are campaigning roles as well as being representative.
- The volunteers and 4 full-time sabbaticals on the Council are mostly elected in the spring of the preceding year, but there are usually several places also filled by a top-up election in September which allows first years and postgrads to get involved too.
- Some of the Council members represent sports clubs and activity groups (societies). They are elected within those clubs.
- Some more are based at course or faculty level, and form the link between students and academics — these are known as "Student Representatives" and are led by "Faculty Representatives". They are elected in the class at the start of its session.
Our official mission is to:
- inspire and nurture each student
- maximise their potential
- enrich their journey
- sustain our future
And our official objectives, as a charity, are the advancement of education of students at the University, for the public benefit, by:
- promoting the general interests and welfare of students during their course of study at the University
- being a recognised and representative channel of communication between students, the University and other bodies
- providing for the cultural, recreational, sporting, and social development of students
- providing such facilities as are appropriate and desirable to achieve the above.