Page:Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and safety, or risk management, is something UBU is required to do in order to comply with charity law and university policies. It covers more than physical risks and hazards, UBU also has to manage risk on its reputation and finances. 

Anything your sport club or activity group organises under your name, means you are organising it as part of UBU. This is why we ask you to complete risk assessments and other documentation, to make sure we comply with the law, university and our own policies.

It also is part of our insurance and duty of care to protect students and our volunteers. 

UBU full guide

This is currently being updated and will be uploaded soon 

University Health and Safety Information

UoB Health & Safety

Other H&S pages:

Training module || Food || Incident reporting || Inventories || Risk assessment || Registers || Personal Insurance || Public Liability