Get Home Safe

Get home safe!

  1. Travel in pairs or a group to stay safe
  2. Keep hold of the emergency contact numbers provided with the Safe Spot map
  3. Call a Metro Taxi on 01274 733 733 (
  4. Call 999 in emergency or 101 in non-emergency

What we do to keep you safe

  1. University Security 01274 236999 
  2. Safe Spot
  3. Street Angels
  4. Preferred Taxi Service with Metro     01274 733733

What you can do to keep safe

  1. Always try and travel in threes or in a group
  2. Carry a safety defender alarm - available from UBU Reception
  3. Keep hold of the emergency contact numbers provided with the Safe Spot map
  4. Report incidents (such as harrassment, violence, verbal abuse) on the University website