E-mail: A.Malik39@bradford.ac.uk
Phone: 01274 233093
Our representation system is made up of hundreds of student leaders, who are elected to represent other students in their programme and within their academic faculty.Through Student Representation University of Bradford Union of Students ensures that
A Partnership between the University and Students
The student representation system is jointly supported by both the University and the Students’ Union. Working in partnership both parties are committed to ensuring that an effective and professional approach to engaging students in representation provides positive enhancements to both the student experience and student success.
What our reps do
Our representatives are tasked to constantly talk to the constituency of students that they represent. They will continuously seek to ask for student opinion on the all aspects of the student experience. Representatives will liaise with university staff to ensure that any negative experiences of the student body are resolved. Because of the nature of partnership between university staff and our student body, most issues are resolved very quickly between student representatives and programme staff.
Through our bespoke training you can enhance your CV by adding experience to make you stand out from the crowd. Also as a volunteer you automatically become eligible to start your journey in qualifying for one of our special "Student Leader Awards".
Please note, this page is about Student Representation ("Student Reps" in each programme and "Faculty Reps" for your whole faculty). For more general "political" and campaigning representation on a wide range of topics please see UBU Council.