All our students groups organise things for their members to attend. This could be a weekly session like exec meetings or training, fundraising stalls in the union mall, give it a go and meet and greet to recruit members or big events open to everyone.
UBU puts what you do into two categories; regular sessions and events.
Please remember alcohol can only be consumed in the Ents Mall, level 02, Student Central, however any alcohol brought into the venue must be approved by the University Bars due to UK Licensing Laws;
The Licensing Act requires the supervisor - and all personal licence holders (In this case the University Bars staff) - to take responsibility for the sale and supply of alcohol. This is because of the impact alcohol has on the wider community, on crime and disorder, and antisocial behaviour. Because of these issues, selling alcohol carries greater responsibility than licensing regulated entertainment and late night sales of food and non-alcoholic drinks.
These are organised with the respective staff coordinator. Regular sessions can be done on campus or off campus, and you may need a room or facility booked. Click here for more information and the forms you'd need to submit. You should ensure any regular guests/speakers are approved by UBU.
Events can be any of the following;
All event bookings go through UBU Events Team. Please click on the link here for the booking forms and further information
Training module || External speakers || Fundraising