Page:Become a Student Representative

Become a Student Representative

Each year we recruit over 400 students, who volunteer their time as representatives. As part of our student voice system, we have two positions in which students can be elected into.
The Power of a Student Representative
Student Reps ensure representation is embedded at every level of the decision-making process within the University. They are tasked to constantly talk to the constituency of students that they represent. There should be minimum of one elected student who takes on the role of representing other students within their course of study. This allows you, as a student representative, to play an active role in enhancing the delivery of your education, with the partnership of university staff and UBU. This will be done by spending a full year in office being active on your course and drive positive change within the University to ensure everyone’s needs are being met.
The Power of a Faculty Representative
Faculty Reps ensure that the Student Voice is heard on major Faculty-wide decisions. Faculty Reps are part of a team of five students in each academic Faculty, made up of three undergraduate students, one postgraduate taught student, and one postgraduate research student. They are elected into this role by student’s representatives.
The role of Faculty Representative encompasses representing students and liaising with student reps to ensure that student views are heard at the highest levels of the team’s academic faculty. Teams of reps are required to attend at a number of meetings held by the faculties’ senior management to present the collected feedback of students into the faculty decision making process. In addition to this Faculty Representatives are able to lobby the University for positive changes to the student experience within the academic school and across the wider university community.
How to Become a Representative
If you are interested in becoming a Student Representative, please talk to your programme/module leader expressing your interest in standing for election. During October (or February for programmes that begin in January) elections will take place on all our programmes to select representatives for the academic year.
For more information about when elections will take place on your course and what you will need to do in order to stand as a Student Representative, please contact your Programme leader or alternatively email the Unions Student Voice Team -