Page:Extenuating Circumstances

Extenuating Circumstances

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All Extenuating Circumstances can be submitted from your Evision account. Students are advised to communicate that they will be submitting extenuating circumstances to their personal tutor.  The student has 7 days after the assessment in which to submit alongside supporting evidence.

The list of evidence which would is accepted to accompany extenuating circumstances:

  • death certificate
  • medical/health certificate with relevant date to the assessment
  • letter of support/explanation from a Support Service in the University eg. Counselling service, Disabilities Service, IF the student is currently attending, or was attending the Counselling Service when the situation arose.
  • letter of support/explanation from independent third party, such as a religious leader

The Board of Examiners remains the body which takes extenuating . The University are more likely to accept the following grounds:

  • Bereavement – death of close relative/significant other. Faculties should be aware that what might be considered ‘close’ can vary considerably and a degree of flexibility might be needed. The effect that bereavement might have on an individual can also vary depending on individual circumstances.
  • serious short term illness or accident (of a nature which in an employment context would have led to an absence on sick leave)
  • evidence of a long term health condition worsening
  • other significant/exceptional factors for which there is evidence of stress caused. This could include religious/cultural issues and their impact on individuals and families